Archive for Dreamblade

Lovecraftian Insectoid – Dreamblade Hive Pincer Repaint

Posted in Finished Projects, Lovecraftian Stuff with tags , , , on December 5, 2014 by kleinerzorn

I repainted another Dreamblade Mini


its mindboggling how many good Miniatures there are considering how crappy the overall dreamblade miniatures look

Dreamblade the gift that keeps on giving

Terrain – Sandbag Barriers and creepy Scarecrow

Posted in Finished Projects, Terrain with tags , , , , on November 20, 2014 by kleinerzorn

i finished some smaller pieces of street clutter

first of all heres 3 Sandbag-barriers

Sand Barrierand also a creepy scarecrow

Creepy Scarecrow

wich is another repainted Dreamblade miniature called the ” Ropestrung Scarecrow”

Asylum Escapee – Dreamblade Conversion/Repaint

Posted in Finished Projects, Lovecraftian Stuff with tags , , , , , , on November 19, 2014 by kleinerzorn



So ….yeah…another Dreamblade conversion/repaint

i had to replace the head with one of the mantic Ghoul heads…..and he really looks batshit insane now

Asylum Escapee

i cant wait to use him in a game of Strange aeons…

I may go as far as writing my own scenario….The Threshold team has to escort this maniac fom one edge of the board to the other

while the Lurkers try to free him

Huge Deep One Hybrid / Dreamblade Skittering Smeech Repaint / Conversion

Posted in Finished Projects, Lovecraftian Stuff with tags , , , , , , on August 6, 2014 by kleinerzorn

so i redesigned and repainted another Dreamblade mini called a Skittering smeech

i removed the tail , the head and addet some clothes ( basically to one-up my greenstuff skills) and a head


huge Deep one hybrid

I got the idea to build this mini by watching Dagon and remembering that the Dreamblade figure has a cape made of human skin

i think this fits in well with the overall creepyness of lovecrafts works

Werewolf – Dreamblade Heart Render Repaint

Posted in Finished Projects, Lovecraftian Stuff with tags , , , , on July 22, 2014 by kleinerzorn

Heart Render repaint

another Dreamblade repaint….i think it works well as a Lovecraftian Werewolf

Zombie Mutant & Zombie General – Dreamblade repaints

Posted in Finished Projects, Lovecraftian Stuff with tags , , , , on July 17, 2014 by kleinerzorn

Zombie General and zombie mutant

two more dreamblade repaints

a zombie mutant and another pulp looking zombie….general ?!

it was fun painting these and im really looking forwart to use them in some games of Strange Aeons


Posted in Finished Projects, Lovecraftian Stuff with tags , , , , , on July 14, 2014 by kleinerzorn


“As it is, he merely hinted at the shocking morbidity of these great floundering white things, with dark fur on their backs, a rudimentary horn in the centre of their foreheads, and an unmistakable trace of human or anthropoid blood in their flat-nosed, bulging-lipped faces.The chief ground for such a supposition was the well-known fact that the vanished inhabitants of Yoth had been quadrupedal.”

H.P. Lovecraft & Zealia Bishop, The Mound

Zombie Dog

Posted in Finished Projects, Lovecraftian Stuff with tags , , , on July 3, 2014 by kleinerzorn

i rebased my Zombie Dog to fit in with the other Zombies im using for Strange Aeons

Zombie Dog

Mad Scientist

Posted in Finished Projects, Lovecraftian Stuff with tags , , , , , , on June 26, 2014 by kleinerzorn

i finished another miniature for strange aeons


Mad Scientist

the base for this miniature was a Dreamblade figure  called Doctor Agony. I had to cut of a bit of his legs and lab coat….also i shortened the arms and removed the head. i then replaced the hands with one holding a knife and one holding one of herbert Wests Serum syringes….i also replaced the head with a mantic ghoul head

heres a before / after conversion build

Mad Scientist before and after

its pretty impressive how different the miniature looks now, and i must admit im proud of myself  😀

Yakubian – Tattooed Squashbug – Dreamblade Repaint

Posted in Finished Projects, Lovecraftian Stuff with tags , , , , , , on May 18, 2014 by kleinerzorn

Tattooed Squashbug repaint

i did another dreamblade repaint…well four repaints to be exact, and i think those creepy liddle things work great as Yakubians as described in The llenge from beyond, or as any other kind of Lovecraftian maggot monsters

“It was a gigantic, pale-grey worm or centipede, as large around as a man and twice as long, with a disc-like, apparently eyeless, cilia-fringed head bearing a purple central orifice. It glided on its rear pairs of legs, with its fore part raised vertically—the legs, or at least two pairs of them, serving as arms. Along its spinal ridge was a curious purple comb, and a fan-shaped tail of some grey membrane ended its grotesque bulk. There was a ring of flexible red spikes around its neck, and from the twistings of these came clicking, twanging sounds in measured, deliberate rhythms.
Robert E. Howard, Frank Belknap Long, H.P. Lovecraft, A. Merrit, C.L. Moore,
The Challenge From Beyond

the only thing that differs greatly are the eyes…..but i can live with that