Archive for the Tanks Category

!!! My Shop !!!!

Posted in Da Big Unz, Da Boyz, Da great Grot Rebellion, Finished Projects, Flyers, Podlings, sold, Speschulz and Stuff with Feetz, Tanks, Terrain, Uncategorized, Unorky Stuff, Uva Stuff wif WeelZ on May 10, 2013 by kleinerzorn

i addet a shop !!!

so if anybody wants to buy some Podlings drop me an order and i will send you the stuff as soon as possible

you can find a link to the shop on the right bottom of the sidebar
or you can follow this link

Wildork Looted Rhino

Posted in Finished Projects, Tanks on October 12, 2012 by kleinerzorn

Heres a liddle birthday present i got myself
i bought it from a guy from the UK

heres the WIP pictures he posted over at The

and heres the finished Model

Huge ass Squig for my Wildorks ……Toy Conversion

Posted in Speschulz and Stuff with Feetz, Tanks on September 18, 2012 by kleinerzorn

Remember these old Extreme Dinosaurs toys ?
i wanted to do a Dinosaur conversation for my Wildorks but more coical than most dinosaur toys look
and by sheer luck i saw these toys on ebay and bought one or 1 € and 2,2€ porto….

i cut off its forearms and shortened it a bit …..after that i addet a howdah made of some spare plasticcard bits and put on a toy minigun i bought a while back for 1€ (on ebay too :D)

its a bit silly that it wear pants…. but i just consider them what any proppa ork would consider them
a holy relic of Gork (or Mork)

heres a Barryshot so you can see the size ( its actually quite big but as i plkan on using it either as a Big Squiggoth or a tank that should work fine)

so considering the small amount of time put in and the small amount of money it costs me i can only recommend doing a conversion like this……
its unique….funny … and cheap


The Ork LCVFB or Large Croozin’ Vehicle Fulla Boys.

Posted in Finished Projects, Tanks on September 2, 2012 by kleinerzorn

after two years i made a picture of the finished Model…you can see the wip version

i addet a squad of oldschool Goffs to show how many models it holds D
the gunner is some old metal bigshoota boy
the old metal models are a great way to represent either a Gunner or a rokkit Boy….and you can use the original gunner for cooler conversions….and you can remove them if the weapon is destroyed

Looted ork Tank – Grot Tank

Posted in Da great Grot Rebellion, sold, Tanks on August 29, 2012 by kleinerzorn

i was digging through some old pictures and found this
i think sold it on ebay

The Iron Sqig , finished the junka for my Grot Rebellion

Posted in Da great Grot Rebellion, Finished Projects, Tanks on April 13, 2012 by kleinerzorn

Another Grot Tank

Posted in Tanks, Uva Stuff wif WeelZ on September 23, 2011 by kleinerzorn

as i  had some scrap parts laying around i decited to build another Grot tank

Looted Eldar Falcon

Posted in Tanks with tags , , , , , , , on May 9, 2011 by kleinerzorn

it improved much since i last posted an update on is as you can see ERÈ

so i  worked on the Looted panzee Falcon a bit more  and decited it will become a Mekboy Junka with Kff and Deffrolla

still in need of Rivets and a descent paintjop plus some minor wip issiues like the KFF and the deffrolla


Looted Baneblade PiP

Posted in Tanks on April 30, 2011 by kleinerzorn

Looted Valkyrie the Grot Tank Variant

Posted in Finished Projects, Tanks on March 17, 2011 by kleinerzorn

i mostly created this one just because i had the bitz lying around and me and some friends thought about palying a few rounds of ” Grot Tank Battles”

also so i could test a few new weathering techniques

and im the Opinion it turned out pretty well

the weapon is exchangable….allthough i havent created any other weapons atm



closeup of the crew


