Archive for Squig


Posted in Finished Projects, Podlings with tags , on August 4, 2014 by kleinerzorn


Was bored…and did buildt a pokemon themed squig 😀

Painted Podlings Video

Posted in Finished Projects, Podlings with tags , , on June 30, 2014 by kleinerzorn



painted by Svyatoslav Karyagin

Some of my Podlings painted

Posted in Finished Projects, Podlings with tags , on June 27, 2014 by kleinerzorn
Svyatoslav Karyagin

painted 4 of my Podlings and im VERY happy with the way they look

Closed Mouth Podling

Posted in Finished Projects with tags , on July 11, 2012 by kleinerzorn

heres a painted version of my closed mouth Podling prototype

i created a mould because i think you can see way better how to make possible changes if you have a painted version

More Podlings

Posted in Podlings with tags , , , on June 26, 2012 by kleinerzorn

I did another podling with Supersculpey….
and the first one got some toes

i didnt make picture before i created a mould , and some of its claws broke off during its release from the mould,……


i already have a painted version of it……
its “ok” but lacks some detail and the structure looks very rough….oh and its legs look kinda crappy… but all in all im happy how it turned out :biggrin
its good enough for terrain pieces and will look great to bulk up my squig unit

the green podling is version 1.2 of the other podling…. as you can see the tail looks different from the beginning…..

and im also working on a podling with a closed mouth

the lower “neck” will be alot smaller later because now it makes the podling look more ilike a frog

Squig Pond / broken pipeline

Posted in Finished Projects, Podlings, Terrain with tags , , , , , , , , , , on June 16, 2012 by kleinerzorn

MAN !!! It comes in pretty handy to cast your own stuff 😀

i did this as an experiment after i did a puddle of oil with spare resin…..
Basically i carved a piece of styropor into the right size
threw in some misscasted Podlings 😉 and a broken pipeline….

and it worked better than i expected …..
because the resin reacted with the glue on the “podling ” in the middle… now looks even better 😀

im really happy how it turned out

maybe ill do a better / more professional version of this “pond” in the near future
