Archive for the Podlings Category


Posted in Finished Projects, Podlings with tags , on August 4, 2014 by kleinerzorn


Was bored…and did buildt a pokemon themed squig 😀

Painted Podlings Video

Posted in Finished Projects, Podlings with tags , , on June 30, 2014 by kleinerzorn



painted by Svyatoslav Karyagin

Some of my Podlings painted

Posted in Finished Projects, Podlings with tags , on June 27, 2014 by kleinerzorn
Svyatoslav Karyagin

painted 4 of my Podlings and im VERY happy with the way they look

Big Squig

Posted in Finished Projects, Podlings, Speschulz and Stuff with Feetz on August 23, 2013 by kleinerzorn

Once there was half a toy dinosaur laying on my table….

then i got bored and addet a face to it


heres the result !


Huge squig conversion

Wildork Dakkajet No. 2

Posted in Flyers, Podlings on August 22, 2013 by kleinerzorn

As i am well happy with the Squigeon of Deff i decited to build me a second one

the wings are not as big this time ! A) because i couldnt find the dragon toy i used before and B) because i had these Mageknight Dragon wings laying in a bitzbox , and they fit the model well.

Also it looks different and is not as hard to transport 😉

Wildork Dakkajet version 2for the howdah i chose yet another destroyed old revell jeep from my bitzbox, and chains….i want it to look similar to the other one  ( i will add some more chains to the front though , but i need to wait for the mail to deliver some more greenstuff so i can fix the throat.

I will also add a crew of 6 Orks, clinging to the howdah, to represent the weapons

for colours i maybe peint it yellow this time

3 more squigs/podlings

Posted in Finished Projects, Podlings on July 20, 2013 by kleinerzorn

3 mopar Podling , squigs


left. Old Fantasy spider Squig , middle. Cybotling, right some random mini i bought off ebay ( if anybody knows what that is let me know)  for now i just call it the Chickensquig or Squicken

3 more Squigskinna Squigriders / count as Killabots

Posted in Finished Projects, Podlings, Speschulz and Stuff with Feetz on July 17, 2013 by kleinerzorn

Squigskinna killabots Squuigridaz

nothing mucgh to say about those 3 models

this time the orks riding use regular Orkboy legs and i didnt mess up the shading as much as the last time

and i must say the Masqe Miniatures tube tool wors great to create horns as well

Tiny Podling

Posted in Finished Projects, Podlings on June 16, 2013 by kleinerzorn

I addet a new podling to the Shop !


Tiny Podling

its 1,5cm high and called a tiny Podling

6 more wildork Squigskinnaz

Posted in Da Boyz, Finished Projects, Podlings on June 13, 2013 by kleinerzorn


6 moar Squigskinna Wildorks

6 more Squigskinnaz……the Boss has a Carnifex claw as a Powerklaw


oh and a blue sporeling

Sporeling blue

2 more Poddlings

Posted in Finished Projects, Podlings on May 24, 2013 by kleinerzorn

Goffmogg da Behemot over at The Waaagh painted two of my Podlings
so id like to share the Result


The white skin looks great…and its awsum to see my models painted by someone else 😀