Archive for August, 2015

D&D Yochlol Repaint – proto Shoggoth / small Shoggoth

Posted in Finished Projects, Lovecraftian Stuff with tags , , , , , , , on August 12, 2015 by kleinerzorn

I (re)painted another D&D Miniature that makes a great small shoggoth or proto shoggoth, or any other kind of Lovecraftian slimy horror

Dungeons and Dragons Yochlol Repaint

its a pretty cheap miniture to buy , and i can only recommend it , as it makes a great addition to any horde of Lovecraftian Horrors !

Before after

also ; heres a painted and pre painted view of the mini

Got a new Camera and tested it out….

Posted in Finished Projects, Lovecraftian Stuff with tags , , , , , , on August 8, 2015 by kleinerzorn

Reaper Cthulhu K50 BReaper Cthulhu K50 A Reaper Cthulhu K50 DReaper Cthulhu K50 C

So i got gifted a Pentax K50 and must say it makes pretty good pictures

RAFM – Dark Young of Shub Niggurath – W.I.P

Posted in Lovecraftian Stuff with tags , , , , , on August 6, 2015 by kleinerzorn

I finally got my hands on one of the really old RAFM Dark Young of Shub Niggurath miniature

Ral partha Dark Young

the parts fit together horribly ( a thing i remembered from a few years back)

and most of the versions that people buildt didnt look that great to be honest. Most of the times the people leave the tentacles stuck together ( because it makes acting way more easy), allthough it just takes a knife to cut them apart and then you can bend them in any direction, thus making the miniature feel way more animated ! I seriusly dont get why people dont do this !

Also i used greenstuff to fix the huge strange looking gaps , that seperate the lower body part from the tenta…cly bits 🙂

I cant wait to find out how it looks painted