Archive for May, 2013

Ork Brewhouse Bash

Posted in Finished Projects on May 31, 2013 by kleinerzorn

Some of you may remember the Brewhouse Bash rules from the white Dwarf , a few years back ….

I reralized that you can download the Rules on GWs Website Here

And buildt myself a gameobard and some markers



coleopterous Yithian – Dreamblade Beetleback-Mass Repaint

Posted in Lovecraftian Stuff, Unorky Stuff on May 28, 2013 by kleinerzorn

Beetleback mass repaint

Another Lovecraftian repaint ??…why Lovecraftian, well besides that a huge entity build entirely of Bugs is lovecraftian on its own i had to think of the following quote when i saw the model !

There was a mind from the planet we know as Venus, which would live incalculable epochs to come, and one from an outer moon of Jupiter six million years in the past. Of earthly minds there were some from the winged, starheaded, half-vegetable race of palaeogean Antarctica; one from the reptile people of fabled Valusia; three from the furry pre-human Hyperborean worshippers of Tsathoggua; one from the wholly abominable Tcho-Tchos; two from the arachnid denizens of earth’s last age; five from the hardy coleopterous species immediately following mankind, to which the Great Race was some day to transfer its keenest minds en masse in the face of horrible peril; and several from different branches of humanity.

—H. P. Lovecraft, “The Shadow Out of Time”

so to put it in normal terms the great race of yith transferred their minds into futurebugs ! And in the RPG a  each individual member of the Great Race corresponds to 2D4x500 “beetles”. So i allways had a picture in my mind of some giant flock of beetles

The Dreamblade mini suited this very well….its kinda sad that all the Detail of the original model can not be seen due to the fact that the colours are brown bith a bit more brown


Posted in Finished Projects with tags , , on May 26, 2013 by kleinerzorn

Motoffeln 2

Dreamblade Brainghast Repaint

Posted in Lovecraftian Stuff on May 26, 2013 by kleinerzorn


Brainghast before

Another lovecraftian Miniature i repainted
the Dreamblade Brainghast

its a shame the original model only has one colour…and the colour they choose was a dark purple

this way alot of the detail is missing

so heres what it looked like before…

….and after repainting

Brainghast repaint

Lovecraftian Minis / repainting of Dreamblade Figures

Posted in Finished Projects, Lovecraftian Stuff on May 25, 2013 by kleinerzorn

a while back there was a game called Dreamquest and though i have never played it i must say some of the miniatures for the game are weill suited as Lovecraftian minis for 35mm Games

Heres a repaint i did of a Hellshrieker


i did not change the colours that much as it fits well for a bunch of worms…

and heres a repaint of a wonderfull mini designed by Christopher Burdett

a Caged Grawlth


top ones is before….bottom one is after

Monster in a cage

if i get another one i will do a version with green or yellow skin to have a better contrast
i think this would make a great Chaos mission marker for Daemons or Chaosmarines too

2 more Poddlings

Posted in Finished Projects, Podlings on May 24, 2013 by kleinerzorn

Goffmogg da Behemot over at The Waaagh painted two of my Podlings
so id like to share the Result


The white skin looks great…and its awsum to see my models painted by someone else 😀


Posted in Finished Projects, Unorky Stuff with tags , , on May 22, 2013 by kleinerzorn

whenever i have some spoare greenstuff i use it to work on small comical monsters
now i had some spare silicone and i made a mould for three of them.

Mutoffeln Painted

They are called Mutoffeln….. as im german and had to think about mutated potatos when looking at them a friend suggested the name ( kartoffel is german for potato )and i like the silly sound of the name.

i really like how they look , and the evil frog like one in the middle is my favourite
and i think im making progress with my painting skills

Jumping Podling

Posted in Finished Projects, Podlings on May 21, 2013 by kleinerzorn

Jumping Ugling

did this one from a misscast

Podling of the Emperror

Posted in Finished Projects, Podlings on May 20, 2013 by kleinerzorn

Podling of the Emperror

Now available in the Shop ( to your right )


!!! My Shop !!!!

Posted in Da Big Unz, Da Boyz, Da great Grot Rebellion, Finished Projects, Flyers, Podlings, sold, Speschulz and Stuff with Feetz, Tanks, Terrain, Uncategorized, Unorky Stuff, Uva Stuff wif WeelZ on May 10, 2013 by kleinerzorn

i addet a shop !!!

so if anybody wants to buy some Podlings drop me an order and i will send you the stuff as soon as possible

you can find a link to the shop on the right bottom of the sidebar
or you can follow this link